This film served as the major element of my submission for the film-making module in the second year of my MA. The purpose of the module was to give film music composition students an insight into the film-making process from the perspective of directors, producers and editors, with the over-arching aim of helping us to understand where we as composers fit in to the overall process of film production. After brief introductions to topics such as pre-production, filming and editing, we were split into groups and tasked with producing a short documentary on a subject of our choice. This film was my group's effort at making a documentary on the subject I proposed; Capoeira.    

This is a subject close to my heart as I've been playing capoeira since my mid-teens. After initial planning meetings our project group decided this would be a good subject as its one that not too many people are familiar with. Also, we knew that the type of footage we could potentially capture would make for an exciting watch.   

We filmed all of the footage in Stepney Green, East London as we were allowed to visit a training session and capoeira game (roda) run by the Ginga de Quilombo capoeira group. The group were a great help to us in making the documentary and you can find more on them here: